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Belt Conveyor Cover Accesories


Safety strut. Holds our MADRID and PARIS covers securely open.

Guide rollers

Guide rollers usually interfere with covers. This tailor-made extension allows the guide rollers to move freely.


This handle can be fitted to any of our covers to improve handling comfort.

On our MADRID and PARIS models, the included C-1 lock can be used as a handle, so there is no need for an additional handle.


Capolid Enclosure Cover completely closes the last cover. Adaptable to any size and shape of conveyor belt.

Available in all our models, materials and colours.

Window V1

All our covers can be fitted with easy to open inspection hatches.

Window V2

The Durban and Berlin models can be fitted with easy opening inspection panels.

Window V3

The Durban and Berlin models can be fitted with easy opening inspection hatches.

Window V4

All our covers can be fitted with easy to open inspection hatches.